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看看有没语法错误I’m(walking to you ,looking at your face in the distance,and I feel that my heart is getting farther and farther…I think,there is no future between us.我远远地看着你的脸走向你离你越来越近此时我感觉心却离你越来越远我想我们终究没有未来!","title_text":"看看有没语法错误I’m walking to you ,looking at

2022-07-20 22:06:02来源:
导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于看看有没语法错误I’m walking to you ,looking at your face in the distance,and I feel that m

想必现在有很多小伙伴对于看看有没语法错误I’m walking to you ,looking at your face in the distance,and I feel that my heart is getting farther and farther…I think,there is no future between us.我远远地看着你的脸,走向你,离你越来越近,此时我感觉心却离你越来越远。我想,我们终究没有未来!","title_text":"看看有没语法错误I’m walking to you ,looking at your face in the distance,and I feel that my heart is getting farther and farther…I think,there is no future between us.我远远地看着你的脸,走向你,离你越来越近,此时我感觉心却离你越来越远。我想,我们终究没有未来!方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于看看有没语法错误I’m walking to you ,looking at your face in the distance,and I feel that my heart is getting farther and farther…I think,there is no future between us.我远远地看着你的脸,走向你,离你越来越近,此时我感觉心却离你越来越远。我想,我们终究没有未来!","title_text":"看看有没语法错误I’m walking to you ,looking at your face in the distance,and I feel that my heart is getting farther and farther…I think,there is no future between us.我远远地看着你的脸,走向你,离你越来越近,此时我感觉心却离你越来越远。我想,我们终究没有未来!方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。I’m walking to you ,looking at your face in the distance,and I feel that my heart is getting farther and farther…I think,there is no future between us.改正后如下:I’m walking to you ,look at your face in the distance,and I feel my heart is getting farther and farther…I think,there is no future between us.中文意思是:我走到你那里去的时候,看着你的脸在远处,我觉得我的心脏已经越来越远…我认为我们之间是没有未来的.



