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A.(Do you like eating a cake B. Can you help me C. it is very nasty.D. What's the matter dear E. Is there any cheese in the cupboard F. there isn't much.G. Give me 5 eggs please.A. What are you doing Henry B. I'm reading a book.(1)______A. I want to make

2022-07-14 12:56:47来源:
导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于A. Do you like eating a cake B. Can you help me C. it is very nasty.D. Whats the

想必现在有很多小伙伴对于A. Do you like eating a cake B. Can you help me C. it is very nasty.D. What's the matter, dear E. Is there any cheese in the cupboard F. there isn't much.G. Give me 5 eggs, please.A. What are you doing, Henry B. I'm reading a book.(1)______A. I want to make a birthday cake for Lily.(2)______B. Of course. I'm coming now.A. (3)______B. OK. Here you are.A. (4)______ B. Let me see. Yes, there's some cheese, but(5)______.A. Oh, dear. It's not enough(足够).B. Don't worry. I'll go to the shop and buy some.A. Thank you, Henry.","title_text":"A. Do you like eating a cake B. Can you help me C. it is very nasty.D. What's the matter, dear E. Is there any cheese in the cupboard F. there isn't much.G. Give me 5 eggs, please.A. What are you doing, Henry B. I'm reading a book.(1)______A. I want to make a birthday cake for Lily.(2)______B. Of course. I'm coming now.A. (3)______B. OK. Here you are.A. (4)______ B. Let me see. Yes, there's some cheese, but(5)______.A. Oh, dear. It's not enough(足够).B. Don't worry. I'll go to the shop and buy some.A. Thank you, Henry.方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于A. Do you like eating a cake B. Can you help me C. it is very nasty.D. What's the matter, dear E. Is there any cheese in the cupboard F. there isn't much.G. Give me 5 eggs, please.A. What are you doing, Henry B. I'm reading a book.(1)______A. I want to make a birthday cake for Lily.(2)______B. Of course. I'm coming now.A. (3)______B. OK. Here you are.A. (4)______ B. Let me see. Yes, there's some cheese, but(5)______.A. Oh, dear. It's not enough(足够).B. Don't worry. I'll go to the shop and buy some.A. Thank you, Henry.","title_text":"A. Do you like eating a cake B. Can you help me C. it is very nasty.D. What's the matter, dear E. Is there any cheese in the cupboard F. there isn't much.G. Give me 5 eggs, please.A. What are you doing, Henry B. I'm reading a book.(1)______A. I want to make a birthday cake for Lily.(2)______B. Of course. I'm coming now.A. (3)______B. OK. Here you are.A. (4)______ B. Let me see. Yes, there's some cheese, but(5)______.A. Oh, dear. It's not enough(足够).B. Don't worry. I'll go to the shop and buy some.A. Thank you, Henry.方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。

细节推理题(1)D 结合上文,What are you doing, Henry?你在干什么。

Henry?I'm reading a book.我在读书.判断接下来的句子是询问对方问这个问题是有什么事情吗?结合选项,D选项意为你怎么了,符合题意。

语意连贯.故选D.(2)B 结合下文,Of course. I'm coming now.当然.我来了.判读本句是让对方过来.结合选项,判断其意为你能帮我吗?故选B.(3)G 结合下文。

OK. Here you are.好的,给你.判断本句是让对方帮忙拿东西,即选项中的G选项。

意为请给我五个鸡蛋.故选G.(4)E 结合下文, Let me see. Yes, there's some cheese让我看看.是的。

有一些奶酪,判断问句是there is的一般疑问句,即将there's some cheese变为一般疑问句。

故选E.(5)F 结合上文,Yes, there's some cheese。



dear. It's not enough(足够).哦,亲爱的.不够.可知奶酪不多.故选F.。



