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2022-07-15 08:33:24来源:


You're under arrest, Flint Lockwood. 你被捕了,Flint Lockwood。Thank goodness you only caused minimal damage to Sardine Land. 感谢上帝你仅仅对沙丁鱼大陆造成了很小的伤害。

Come on. 嘿I really shouldn't be running with these. 我真的不该带着这个跑。

Jump, jump, jump, run, run, jump, jump, run. 跳跳跳跑跑跳跳跑—It's a good thing no one got hurt! —Flint Lockwood! ——没人受伤,这真是件好事!—Flint Lockwood!


I didn't get hurt, but that does not mean that I'm not still mad at you. 我没受伤,但这不意味着我现在不对你恼火。Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry. Are you okay? 哦,我的天啊,真的很对不起。你还好吧?

—I didn't get a chance to... —It's okay, it's just pain. ——我还没有机会……——没事,就是有点疼。Sorry, I'm not myself today. 对不起,我今天有点失态。


My whole career was ruined by some crazy jerk riding a homemade rocket. 一个骑着自制火箭的疯子毁了我的事业。。


Wait a minute. 等等。What is going on with your feet? 你的脚怎么了?

Spray-on Shoes. They don't come off. 喷上的鞋,脱不下来。

Cool. 真酷。This could solve the untied shoes epidemic. 这个可以解决松鞋病

What are they made of, some kind of elastic biopolymer adhesive? 它们是用什么做的,一种弹性生物高聚物粘合剂?Yeah. 是啊

Exactly. 正确

I mean.... 我的意思是……Wow, they're shiny. I'm Sam. 喔,它们在发光,我是Sam。

—Flint. —Steve. —Flint. —Steve—ls that a Monkey Thought Translator? —Steve. ——这是个猴思翻译机吗?—Steve

lncredible. Did you make all of this stuff? 难以置信。这些东西都是你做的?—You hit me with a rocket. —You kicked me in the face. ——你用火箭袭击了我。——你踢了我的脸。

I said I was sorry. 我说了对不起了。Do you know how hard it is to break into the weather game? 你知道想混进天气预报这一行有多难吗?

I spent my entire life building up to that moment. 我的一生都花在为那一刻努力上。You get one shot at the show. 结果演出时出了糗。

And if you don't make it... 如果没有成功……...it's back to cleaning the barometers. 就又得回去洗气压计了。

Cheese? 干酪?

But that could only mean... 那只能意味着……希望采纳!~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank You!!!!!!!!!(多谢了)



