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河东手机麻将 (关于河东手机麻将 玩法)

2022-11-22 22:03:07来源:世界杯
导读 河东手机麻将 总结了星火的六级英语高频词,按照出现次数划分,历年答案里出现两次以上的词汇都有收录,单词例句均由真人朗诵,总共30个单...

河东手机麻将 总结了星火的六级英语高频词,按照出现次数划分,历年答案里出现两次以上的词汇都有收录,单词例句均由真人朗诵,总共30个单元约1000个高频词


最后祝大家六级答案顺利。park English Vocabulary SeriesVocabulary for College English Test Band—6adhereChina will adhere to an independent and peacefulforeign policy in dealing with international affairs.cherishI will cherish my visit here in memory, as long as I live!ascribeThe agency ascribed the temperature climbmainly to increased greenhouse gases emissions,cyclical temperature fluctuationsand less cold air generated from the Arctic.coincideHer taste in music coincides with her huand’s.overwhelmOur team overwhelmed the visitors by 40 points.overwhelmingBeijing took an overwhelming majority of votesand won the Olympic bid.pursuitWe’ve simply reaffirmed an old truth:the pursuit of affluence does not alwaysend with happiness.complyChina will strictly comply with the universallyacknowledged market rules.conspicuousThe house standing on the island is very conspicuous.endeavo(u)rDespite our best endeavors,we ’t get the machine started.homogeneousMilk and cream are homogeneous foods,and they are both dairy products.immerseShe was so deeply immersed in readingthat she forgot the supper.indulgeWill you indulge my curiosity and tell me how much it cost?persistentShe eventually married the most persistent of her admirers.retrieveThe shopkeeper went to the windowand retrieved Reuben’s treasure.revivePeter tried to revive the frozen robin;but it was stone-dead.suppressAll these movement were suppressed by the government.testifyThis excellent book testifies to the author’s ability.accustomThe hunter is trying to accustom his hunting dogto the noise of a gun.ambiguousThat’s a rather ambiguous answer--what exactly do you mean?ascendStep by step the ladder is ascended.billionaireThe billionaire is campaigning for political reform.briskTaking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being.certifyYou are basically asking people to certify,with big penalties,that nobody has lied on their expense accounts.conceiveThe coach conceived the strategy that won the game for us.contemplateShe stood contemplating the painting.disableAn accident disabled him from playing football.eccentricA few weeks later I began saving again.Was I becoming an eccentric hoarder? Not at all.


Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thingolder Americans are fighting against—discrimination by age.extravagantWhen asked to use three words to describe society's rich,the top responses were “extravagant”,“greedy”and “corrupt”.flushThe child's cheeks were flushed with fever. 


